Well, the day after Christmas and back to reality. I tackled a job that should have been done in November. This is only one of many that should have been done prior to our first freeze.
Our blueberry trees are still in large pots. For our area, the Tifblue works well. http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/extension/fruit/blueberry/blueberries.html Last week I found full-size wine barrels at a crafts show and the vender cut them in half and delivered them. What a deal! They are about 50 gallon size. So, today sweet hubby Roberto drilled a drainage hole on the side of each barrel.

We then found a sunny location not too far from the hose bib. We put 3 bricks under the barrel to facillitate air circulation. We placed the existing pot into the barrel. We know at some time we will transplate the tree into the barrel with more soil but that will be when all danger of frost is over. Our soil is not acidic enough for blueberries. So we used soil preparation recommended by Texas A&M. http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/plantanswers/
We planted the blueberries 3:1 peat moss and horticultural perlight. http://www.homeharvest.com/soilamendmentsperlitevermiculite.htm
We topped each plant with pine needles and always put our coffee grounds in the plant each time we water. We had quite a bit of berries before the birds got them last summer! So, here they are in the wine barrels. I plan on purchasing another variety that works well here so pollination will ensure nice big fat berries.
I know sometimes a winter garden can be depressing. After a freeze, everything looks so sad. There are some items that still bring a smile to my face even though the majority of the yard is in "down time."

We are in Texas. We decorate rustic so this Niche or Nicho is made of old barn wood and the roof is tin. It fits, don't you think?
Another thing about a winter yard is the wildlife that seek shelter. If you are interested in having a habitat for birds and other small critters, you might consider creating a wildscape. That is what we have. There are certain requirements that are very easy to fulfill. Check out this site to see how easy it is to make your yard into a wildscape.
It is easy for us to have a brush pile in which birds can nest and hide. It is way back in the yard so it does not look so ugly. Actually, when I took this picture, there were about 25 birds in there doing their thing. They are so cute!

A small birdbath or tray of water fits easily on a patio. An outdoor minerature potted tree will attract birds. So, check out the wildlife site and find some joy that will carry you through the dark days of winter.
Play outside, turn the soil, watch birds puttering around, search the sky for migrating geese. Have fun!
Let me know what you find interesting in your winter garden.
Now, I better get my block cut out for Pieceful Journey.
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