January, 2010
If you are looking for new year’s resolutions, we have a few suggestions that will improve
the environment in the decade to come and make our world a safer, healthier place to live.
Resolution No. 1: Discontinue use of all toxic products in your home and your landscape.
It is not that hard. Natural products for the landscape are readily available and work better
than chemicals. In your home, learn to use vinegar, baking soda, and orange oil as cleaners.
You will be amazed at how effective they are.
Resolution No. 2: Use less water. This is critical especially with the dry years we have been
having. In the landscape you can replace expansive turf areas with hardscape and beds filled
with low-water-use plants. Keep beds mulched and apply compost to the lawn twice a year. In
the home, be more conscious of the water you use and find ways to lower the amount. Also,
catch and use rainwater and condensate from your air conditioner.
Resolution No. 3: Garden more. Working in the garden is one of the healthiest forms of
exercise both mentally and physically. Gardens in general add beauty to the environment.
Resolution No. 4: Plant an organic vegetable garden. The produce you harvest will be safer
and more nutritious than any you purchase. Plus, vegetable gardening is very satisfying.
Resolution No. 5: Recycle all that you can. Take advantage of the opportunity to recycle
glass, paper, plastic, aluminum, and more through your municipal recycling program. If you
do not already have a compost pile, create one and turn yard and kitchen waste into a valuable
resource to improve your garden.
Warm your evenings and winter celebrations with Aspen Mulling Spice. Mix it with wine,
tea, cider, or use it in your baking. This tasty treat will exceed your expectations!
For most of us, the hard freezes in December took out most warm weather annuals and
perennials, leaving empty places and in some cases, entire beds without color. Winter without
color IS NOT FUN!
You can easily remedy this situation by planting an abundance of annuals that will perform
well in the cold, providing you with new and exciting sources of color. In sunny areas, plant
pansies with wild abandon and in the shade go crazy with cyclamen and primrose. These
plants will bloom through the winter, and everytime you see them you will smile and be glad
that you filled your beds with happiness!
We wish all of our wonderful customers and greatfriends a healthy and happy New Year filled withfruitful gardening adventures!
Few additions to your home can create the warmth and beauty provided by plants. Yes, there
are fabulous fabrics, gorgeous furnishings, and amazing art, but plants are unique because they
add life to your surroundings.
On a scientific level plants filter toxins making the air you breathe more healthful, but on a
more mindful level, plants make you feel better––more relaxed and serene.
There are houseplants that will enhance any decor, but to be successful it is important to match
the light you have available with the light requirements of the plants. (We have new SunSticks to
measure your indoor light.) Properly placed, houseplants require little maintenance. When you
come in we would love to help you select just the right plants to complement your indoor decor.
We also have an extensive selection of containers to accentuate your plants.
Note: To keep your houseplants healthy and vigorous, feed monthly with Natural Solutions
Liquid Fertilizer.
Many people are very aware of weeds this winter. They are prominent for several reasons.
The past couple of years have been so dry that many lawns have thinned considerably, and weeds
have filled the empty spaces. Good rains after a long dry spell enable many different weeds to
sprout at the same time. Finally, we have had enough cold weather to turn lots of grass brown,
making the bright green weeds more obvious.
The presence of weeds does not mean you need to run for the herbicide. Actually weeds are
beneficial. Some help prevent loss of soil, others build the soil with nitrogen-fixing bacteria in
nodules on their roots. Most all weeds tell you something about the condition of your soil. Grassy
weeds with little root systems indicate that your soil is very deficient in nutrients and fertilizer is
needed. Clover and oxalis only occur in soils that are badly compacted indicating that compost,
compost tea, molasses, and Medina Plus would be helpful.
In all cases, take steps to improve your existing turf. Feed regularly, apply a thin layer of compost
twice a year, mow to keep weeds from producing seed for next year’s crop, and avoid toxic
herbicides. In most cases, healthy grass will effectively choke out the weeds in the spring.
The internet is a truly incredible tool and an important part of life for most people. For
gardeners it is both a blessing and a curse. It can be a blessing because it allows one to research
new plants and products. It is a curse if you assume everything you read is factual, practical,
and beneficial in our area. The simple fact is that gardening is regional, and plants that grow
in one area may not grow in another. People posting information on the internet may or may
not be knowledgeable. Products and practices may not perform the same in all areas. For
example, milky spore fungus may be a great way to control Midwest grubworms but is a waste
of time in our area––it simply does not work on the type of
grubs that damage our lawns. ‘De-thatching’ may revitalize
a northern lawn but will absolutely ruin a southern one. The
list goes on. Even East Texas products such as bark mulch
are not useful in our area.
Enjoy the internet, but remember that local information
such as that found in The Garden Gazette and from the staff
of Shades of Green is your most reliable source of gardening
information for our area.
Start 2010 out right, switch yourvGarden Gazette
to the e-mail format. Tell us next time you are in, call
us, or e-mail us at gardengazette@sbcglobal.net (this
address is only available for subscription purposes).
Please include the address where you are currently
receiving your newsletter so we can match the names
It Is
Market Month
We will be going toseveral gift markets insearch of unique giftsand accessories for yourhome and garden. We
will give you a morecomplete report nextmonth, but the new
merchandise will beginarriving by the end ofJanuary.
Winter is a time of year
when the weather creates stress
for many creatures, especially
birds. Food and water may be
scarce, and they need protection
from the elements.
You can help by providing
nutritious food in the form of
seeds, suet, nuts, and peanut
butter. Offering a variety will
attract the greatest diversity of
birds. Provide protection from
predators and the weather by
putting up birdhouses and
planting dense shrubs in the
The Very Best
Fiskars pruners are our
first choice for quality tools
for many reasons.
n They have received many
awards for their exceptional
designs including the ‘Ease-
of-Use Commendation’ by
the Arthritis Foundation. Ergonomics
are considered in
the design process leading to
products that are comfortable
and require less muscle power
to use. They are designed to
reduce effort, increase power,
and minimize weight.
The reinforced fiberglass
composite handles are lightweight
and durable, and the
corrosion resistant, non-stick
blades reduce friction and stay
Fiskars’ Project Orange
Thumb reaches out to
communities by supporting
neighborhood gardens with
donations of plants, tools, and
Basically Fiskars is a great
Gardening Calendar
aSet out lots of colorful annuals to brighten your
aApply beneficial nematodes to control thrips and
aPlant woody trees and shrubs
aPrepare soil for your spring vegetable garden
aApply compost to turf areas
aScatter rye seed for a green winter lawn and to
reduce mud and erosion in grassless areas
aContinue feeding houseplants and all plants that
have been brought indoors for the winter
aCreate an herb garden
aLiven up indoor spaces with lush, green
a Mulch tender tropicals and perennials, particularly
those that have frozen and been cut back
aKeep fresh water and food out for songbirds
aPlant wildflower seed
aRelocate any woody trees and shrubs (including
a Plant onions and snow peas
aResolve to help make our world a kinder, gentler
place to live.
This is a phrase you are probably hearing more and more as
we move toward buying things that are made or grown close
to home. Buying local is good for the environment because
items are not shipped as far, using less energy and creating
less pollution. When buying plants, it is good for you because
plants spend less time in cold (or hot), dark trucks and are
already adapted to our local soils, water, and climate. Buying
local is good for our community because your money stays
closer to home supporting our economy, creating jobs and
supporting the local government and charitable causes.
At Shades of Green, more than 60% of our plants are
grown within 30 miles of San Antonio and over 75% within
150 miles. All of our fertilizers, compost, mulches, and soil
mixes are made in Texas. Many of our gift items are manufactured
locally––windchimes (Austin), Celtic crosses (Kerrville),
wonderful skincare products (Elmendorf and Fredericksburg),
and CD’s by George Gaytan (San Antonio).
We believe in ‘buying local’ and are constantly searching
for additional sources that are close to home.
company which manufactures
comfortable, long lasting tools
that make your gardening jobs
We value your opinion. Next time you are in the store,
please ask to fill out one of our evaluation forms and
let us know honestly how we are doing.
Presort StandardU. S. PostagePaidSan Antonio, Texas 78209Permit No. 548
Address Service Requested
Business Hours
334 West Sunset Road
San Antonio, Texas 78209
Mon. - Sat. 9:00 to 5:00
Sun. 10:00 to 4:00
We usually recommend applying beneficial nematodes when you have problems––an outbreak
of fleas, an invasion of grubs or chinch bugs, or the appearance of fireants or termites. At this time
of year, however, we recommend an application to help prevent problems, specifically ticks and
thrips. This is the only time of year that ticks are actually down in the soil where the nematodes
can parasitize and kill them. It is also the time when the thrips insect is in its larval stage in the
soil. Applying beneficial nematodes now can diminish problems later in spring and summer when
control is much more difficult.
Even though this is typically our coldest month of the year, there are still things to do in the
garden. You can set out onion plants both for green onions and for bulbs that will mature next
summer. Snow peas, either bush or vining varieties, and leafy greens can be planted at this time.
Be sure to inoculate the pea seed if you are planting them in an area for the first time. (Unused
tomato cages make great trellises for peas.) Also, you can prepare the soil for your spring garden
by putting down organic fertilizer and a thick layer of compost wherever you are going to plant.
By allowing these products to remain on the soil for the next few weeks or months, you will see a
marked improvement in soil texture and increased production.
The fall and winter months are ideal times to plant new trees, shrubs, roses, groundcovers, and
other woody plants. In South Texas plants do not go fully dormant, so although there may be no
foliage production, roots will be actively growing. By summer the plants will be well established
and better able to tolerate hot, dry weather.
When setting out new plants, avoid planting too deeply, add generous amounts of compost to
the soil, water plants in with Super Thrive, and apply 2” to 3” of mulch around the root zones.
This is a great time to upgrade your landscape and to replace those plants that did not survive
the heat and drought of last summer. Note: When selecting new plants consider natives and other
well-adapted varieties over exotic selections. copyright Shades of Green, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Winter Landscape and Beauty
Hi Boys and Girls!
Well, the day after Christmas and back to reality. I tackled a job that should have been done in November. This is only one of many that should have been done prior to our first freeze.
Our blueberry trees are still in large pots. For our area, the Tifblue works well. http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/extension/fruit/blueberry/blueberries.html Last week I found full-size wine barrels at a crafts show and the vender cut them in half and delivered them. What a deal! They are about 50 gallon size. So, today sweet hubby Roberto drilled a drainage hole on the side of each barrel.
Why isn't he using an electric drill? Well, one reason is that it is broken; another reason is that we like using my dad's old drill. It works.
We have had this "nicho" for many years. A nich is a decorative recess for holding a statue. They are usually associated with Greek or Roman architecture. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/414014/niche
Another major requirement is water. I don't want my bird baths to crack when we have a freeze so I keep this large shell full of water. It belonged to my mother but makes a wonderful little water source for the birds and whatever else comes around when I am not looking. I still have my hummingbird feeder up and keep it full with fresh sugar water (4 cups water to 1 cup sugar. Boil. Cool.) We have a hummer visit it daily.
I know these birdhouses are whimsical but they really do offer protection from cold and snakes. Roberto made these many year's ago but they are in constant use. We do have to clean them out every now and then.
So, I just gave you a small glimpse of our wildscape. You can create a variation of this even on a patio if you live in an apartment. Your brush pile could be a hanging plant in which a bird can seek refuge or build a nest. If the plant dies even better. A fern is really great because when it dies and turns brown it still retains stiff fronds in which birds can build a nest. I speak from experience!
Well, the day after Christmas and back to reality. I tackled a job that should have been done in November. This is only one of many that should have been done prior to our first freeze.
Our blueberry trees are still in large pots. For our area, the Tifblue works well. http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/extension/fruit/blueberry/blueberries.html Last week I found full-size wine barrels at a crafts show and the vender cut them in half and delivered them. What a deal! They are about 50 gallon size. So, today sweet hubby Roberto drilled a drainage hole on the side of each barrel.

We then found a sunny location not too far from the hose bib. We put 3 bricks under the barrel to facillitate air circulation. We placed the existing pot into the barrel. We know at some time we will transplate the tree into the barrel with more soil but that will be when all danger of frost is over. Our soil is not acidic enough for blueberries. So we used soil preparation recommended by Texas A&M. http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/plantanswers/
We planted the blueberries 3:1 peat moss and horticultural perlight. http://www.homeharvest.com/soilamendmentsperlitevermiculite.htm
We topped each plant with pine needles and always put our coffee grounds in the plant each time we water. We had quite a bit of berries before the birds got them last summer! So, here they are in the wine barrels. I plan on purchasing another variety that works well here so pollination will ensure nice big fat berries.
I know sometimes a winter garden can be depressing. After a freeze, everything looks so sad. There are some items that still bring a smile to my face even though the majority of the yard is in "down time."

We are in Texas. We decorate rustic so this Niche or Nicho is made of old barn wood and the roof is tin. It fits, don't you think?
Another thing about a winter yard is the wildlife that seek shelter. If you are interested in having a habitat for birds and other small critters, you might consider creating a wildscape. That is what we have. There are certain requirements that are very easy to fulfill. Check out this site to see how easy it is to make your yard into a wildscape.
It is easy for us to have a brush pile in which birds can nest and hide. It is way back in the yard so it does not look so ugly. Actually, when I took this picture, there were about 25 birds in there doing their thing. They are so cute!

A small birdbath or tray of water fits easily on a patio. An outdoor minerature potted tree will attract birds. So, check out the wildlife site and find some joy that will carry you through the dark days of winter.
Play outside, turn the soil, watch birds puttering around, search the sky for migrating geese. Have fun!
Let me know what you find interesting in your winter garden.
Now, I better get my block cut out for Pieceful Journey.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Happy Christmas Day!! Frost Warning...
Hi Boys and Girls!
Did your Santa bring you everything you wished for? If not, did you get a sweet gift you had not even thought to wish for? I did!! My sweet hubby bought me a gift certificate to Oak Leaf Quilts. http://www.oakleafquilts.com/ Wow! Fifty bucks! I never dreamed my main squeeze would think to give me fabric....after all, I can barely walk into my quilting room for all the fabric! Sorry, you will not get a picture of this!
We are most likely going to have another freeze. Check the weather at http://www.nws.noaa.gov/
and put in you zip code. If we are going to be 32 degrees or lower, your plants will be hit with frost. Here is a web site to help you prepare your plants for a freeze. http://www.thegardenhelper.com/frost.html
I have a tub full of old sheets, mattress pad covers and towels to cover my more delicate plants. You can get all this stuff at Hospice resale shops. Here in New Braunfels go to:
Hope Hospice Thrift Avenue
613 North Walnut Avenue
New Braunfels, TX 78130-7925
(830) 625-4746
Just about every city has a Hospice resale shop. I found a brand new pair of Levi jeans for $1.50 two weeks ago!
If you are planting Texas natives or natives to your state, the plants will probably come back in the spring.
Move potted plants under protective porches or in the garage. Do not water them before a freeze if you keep them outside. The pot will expand and crack. Resist the urge to trim unsightly frozen plants. I know they look yucky, but even the damaged limbs will protect the roots during another freeze. Remember: when you trim you are telling your plant to put out new growth. If there is a freeze after you have trimmed your plant, you can kiss that plant good-bye.
Have a wonderful day and keep that fire going! Even kitties love to sit by the fire.
Did your Santa bring you everything you wished for? If not, did you get a sweet gift you had not even thought to wish for? I did!! My sweet hubby bought me a gift certificate to Oak Leaf Quilts. http://www.oakleafquilts.com/ Wow! Fifty bucks! I never dreamed my main squeeze would think to give me fabric....after all, I can barely walk into my quilting room for all the fabric! Sorry, you will not get a picture of this!
We are most likely going to have another freeze. Check the weather at http://www.nws.noaa.gov/
and put in you zip code. If we are going to be 32 degrees or lower, your plants will be hit with frost. Here is a web site to help you prepare your plants for a freeze. http://www.thegardenhelper.com/frost.html
I have a tub full of old sheets, mattress pad covers and towels to cover my more delicate plants. You can get all this stuff at Hospice resale shops. Here in New Braunfels go to:
Hope Hospice Thrift Avenue
613 North Walnut Avenue
New Braunfels, TX 78130-7925
(830) 625-4746
Just about every city has a Hospice resale shop. I found a brand new pair of Levi jeans for $1.50 two weeks ago!
If you are planting Texas natives or natives to your state, the plants will probably come back in the spring.
Move potted plants under protective porches or in the garage. Do not water them before a freeze if you keep them outside. The pot will expand and crack. Resist the urge to trim unsightly frozen plants. I know they look yucky, but even the damaged limbs will protect the roots during another freeze. Remember: when you trim you are telling your plant to put out new growth. If there is a freeze after you have trimmed your plant, you can kiss that plant good-bye.
Have a wonderful day and keep that fire going! Even kitties love to sit by the fire.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Traditional Christmas Dinner
Hello Boys and Girls!
Merry Christmas!! I hope you all are having a great time. We had a traditional Christmas Eve dinner at our house. Tradition? Is that still popular? Well, it is with food and for me!
We lived many years in New Mexico. http://www.landofenchantment.com/
The traditions there date back hundreds of year's and are based on foods, celebrations and family. We soon fell in love with the tradition of luminarias at Christmas. These are generally brown paper bags partially filled with sand in which a candle can be placed. Christmas Eve these lights line driveways, roof tops, churches and any available wall. http://www.itsatrip.org/albuquerque/culture-heritage/hispanic/luminarias.aspx This tradition started 300 year's ago. Originally, little bonfires of pinon would be set to welcome the Christ child.
Another tradition we adopted for Christmas Eve was the making of a traditonal meal. Posole http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pozole, tamales, hot chocolate, churros or buenelos has become our traditional meal the eve of Christmas. Posole is made with fresh, uncooked corn. When it is cooked it is called hominy. Believe me, there is nothing like fresh posole. It is so easy to make! Yes it is...First you buy frozen posole. Many Mexican markets carry it. When Wal-Mart here stopped selling it, I called a grocer in Espinola, New Mexico and he shipped me some. This time I had some that was purchased in Las Cruces, New Mexico last June.
OK, put the posole in a large pot and soak overnight to remove the lime. Next day, drain and put in fresh pot of water. Cook until the corn "pops." At that time put in cut up pork, fresh or canned green chiles (I only use New Mexico chiles), about 2 tablespoons chile power (yes, I only use New Mexico chile from Hatch.) http://www.hatchchilefest.com/
one cut up onion, about 4 chopped garlic, a tablespoon of oregano, salt and cook for about another hour. I put in some organic chicken broth also. Oh man, is this good!
Tamales of course, can be bought just about any where. They are so-so. They are very labor intensive so I did not make them. I also did not eat them. However, the rest of the family loved them. We had both pork and beef.
Merry Christmas!! I hope you all are having a great time. We had a traditional Christmas Eve dinner at our house. Tradition? Is that still popular? Well, it is with food and for me!
We lived many years in New Mexico. http://www.landofenchantment.com/
The traditions there date back hundreds of year's and are based on foods, celebrations and family. We soon fell in love with the tradition of luminarias at Christmas. These are generally brown paper bags partially filled with sand in which a candle can be placed. Christmas Eve these lights line driveways, roof tops, churches and any available wall. http://www.itsatrip.org/albuquerque/culture-heritage/hispanic/luminarias.aspx This tradition started 300 year's ago. Originally, little bonfires of pinon would be set to welcome the Christ child.
Another tradition we adopted for Christmas Eve was the making of a traditonal meal. Posole http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pozole, tamales, hot chocolate, churros or buenelos has become our traditional meal the eve of Christmas. Posole is made with fresh, uncooked corn. When it is cooked it is called hominy. Believe me, there is nothing like fresh posole. It is so easy to make! Yes it is...First you buy frozen posole. Many Mexican markets carry it. When Wal-Mart here stopped selling it, I called a grocer in Espinola, New Mexico and he shipped me some. This time I had some that was purchased in Las Cruces, New Mexico last June.
OK, put the posole in a large pot and soak overnight to remove the lime. Next day, drain and put in fresh pot of water. Cook until the corn "pops." At that time put in cut up pork, fresh or canned green chiles (I only use New Mexico chiles), about 2 tablespoons chile power (yes, I only use New Mexico chile from Hatch.) http://www.hatchchilefest.com/
one cut up onion, about 4 chopped garlic, a tablespoon of oregano, salt and cook for about another hour. I put in some organic chicken broth also. Oh man, is this good!

After we settled a bit we had dessert. I made Mexican hot chocholate and buenelos. http://www.gourmetsleuth.com/mexicanchocolate.htm I used the traditional molinillo to make the chocolate frothy. Along with the chocolate, we had buenelos. http://www.mex-recipes.com/mexican-dessert-recipe.html I chose the easy way and used flour tortillas rather than make them from scratch.
The whole meal was fantastic.
Midnight Mass is coming up soon so I will end this by wishing you all a very Merry Christmas again! I hope my meals give you inspiration to start tradtions based around family meals. What are some of your holiday traditions? Do you make a favorite recipe handed down from Mom? Please share some of your favorite things to do or cook for Christmas.
See you next time!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Busy December Traveling, Drinking, Eating and Quilting
Hi Boys and Girls!
I am sure your December is as busy as mine. It started with a bang. Have you ever been so cold that your lips do not move when you talk? I have. Hubby and I visited my most dear Aunt Cay in Spokane, WA the first week in December.
Spokane is home to Gonzaga University. What a fantastic place. http://www.gonzaga.edu/ It is a Jesuit university steeped in tradition. And they have a great basketball team!
I knew it would be a challenge but the gods were with us. What a beautiful place! Spokane is high desert and near the Idaho border. http://www.spokane.com/ It is in a valley but the mountains, Cascades, I think are very close. Well, believe me...it is cold there in December. My cousin Mary and husband Lemont live in Colbert, just a few miles from Spokane. They are very active outdoor sports people along with their two daughters. So, this area is perfect for them.
When we got back to the house, Lemont started his famous clam chowder....which was a great idea to thaw us out. Actually, he started a fire first and then headed to the kitchen. You didn't think I was going to leave out food in this post, did you? You know me better than that! Anyway, the clam chowder recipe was made up while he was camping and needed something fast and easy. It was a hassle to take fresh potatoes so he used Campbell's potato soup. Of course, the clams were canned but oh so good. No MSG.
The canned soup was very good too. To finish it off we had sourdough bread.
Well, that took care of us just nicely!
You think I got away without making Mexican food? Nice try. They wanted tamales, but hey...I was only there for 3 days! So, I made shredded beef soft tacos with homemade tortillas, of course. The beef was spiced up with chile powder, black olives and garlic. We had Mexican rice and fresh beans. All the trimmings for the soft tacos included avocado, tomatoes and lettuce. Lemont made a real hit with me by bringing a sauce called El Pato. It is so good. The first ingredient is jalapenos but there is also vinegar. That sour with hot is great! I have not found it yet at my local store but it is made in Mexico so being in Texas, I should find it here.
Next, we went to Bothell, WA and had a ball there. My bro is the supreme good cook and his appetizers are very special. Have you ever served pickles with Brie and grapes? Well, you should try it! The wine was a big hit too. I will not bore you with the Mexican dinner I made for them but let me give you a hint. Quesadillas made with butternut squash are to die for! Butternut squash?? Yes!! Cut the squash in half and poke holes in it. Place it in the microwave for a couple of minutes and keep testing it with a fork to see that it does not fully cook. When still firm, take it out and peel it. Chop the squash in bite-size pieces and saute them in butter, garlic and a dash of chile powder until cooked. Then make the quesadillas with a little butter in the pan. Place the tortilla in the pan and put some squash in the center of the tortilla along with sharp cheddar or Mexican cheese. Fold over and cook both sides. Serve with tomatillo sauce. Now, you tell me if this does not make your mouth water. It is a keeper in this house!
I am sure your December is as busy as mine. It started with a bang. Have you ever been so cold that your lips do not move when you talk? I have. Hubby and I visited my most dear Aunt Cay in Spokane, WA the first week in December.
Spokane is home to Gonzaga University. What a fantastic place. http://www.gonzaga.edu/ It is a Jesuit university steeped in tradition. And they have a great basketball team!
Isn't my aunt sweet to find a quilt shop for me in Spokane? I found Moda's pattern Close to My Heart. The fabric line is gorgeous. I know you will fall in love with it. The pattern is from Laundry Basket Quilts http://www.laundrybasketquilts.com/ but for the life of me I could not find the pattern there nor the fabric. However, I did find some of the fabric at http://www.fabricdepot.com/
so I can at least start on the quilt, which measures 72" by 72" which is a good bed size. Anyway, my Aunt Cay is the sweetest person in the world. Back to Spokane.

Do they look cold in this picture? It was 4 degrees! Yes, and they are used to this cold weather.
We were at Lake Coeur D'Alene (Idado)http://www.coeurdalene.org/ watching the eagles swooping down to catch fish for dinner. It is an awesome sight. I have never seen such a big lake. Well, let's get back to the 4 degrees! Do Roberto and I look cold? My teeth are clenched and I am trying to say, "Take the picture now!"

Here are some of Lemont's ingredients.

The highlight of Seattle was Canlis Restarant in Seattle. http://www.canlis.com/ The view is so beautiful. The service (at least 4 wait staff treated us like royalty). This is a very elegant place to dine. It is not just eating to fill your tummy. It is an experience that I highly recommend. Bill and Marsha treated us which made it even more special. They were celebrating their anniversary!
And then there was the International Motorcycle Show in downtown Seattle! All our dreams were coming true! Well, not quite, but we could pretend right? Doesn't Roberto look like a natural on this bike? He had one when we were dating and the bug has never left him....I keep bugging him for a bike!
It could happen!

Well, this just about wraps up our quick trip to WA state. Christmas is Friday and the gift cakes are made. Now, I have to finish making my presents for a few special people. I cannot mention what they are because they may be reading this! I can tell you that they are homemade and taste good. Of course, the sewing machine has been busy too! Until next time, cook something interesting, make something from scratch and share your fun with me! Let me know how you like those butternut quesadillas!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Fabric and More Fabric!
And there are 2 great quilt shops. There is a fabric outlet. It is in the outlet mall. Sewer's Dream Fabric Outlet http://www.sewandquilt.com/
Another cool thing are the classes offered. If you are up in this area, you gotta check out this fabric outlet.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Crazy for Pink Quilt Made from a Panel
Hi Boys and Girls!
I hope you all had a very enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday. Now to lose those extra pounds! Oh no...
I finished a quilt! It is amazing what one can do with fabric! I had this really shocking pink fabric panel. I wasn't really sure what to do with it. It is a little crazy as you will see. You may be familiar with the saying, "You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear." That is sort of how I felt about this panel. Things changed after I took a T-Shirt class from Brenda Goggins at Oak Leaf Quilts. http://www.oakleafquilts.com/ I learned how to make T-shirt quilts but I also learned how to border fussy cut blocks. What is fussy cutting you ask? http://quilting.about.com/od/quiltingglossaryf/g/fussy_cut.htm You cut around the specific picture or figure you want on your quilt, towel, handbag, pillowcase, or whatever, and use that in your project. Sometimes you need a border around it. If you are using the figure for appliqué, you do not need a border. You simply stitch around the piece with a decorative stitch or a blind stitch. Some quilters like to use invisible thread to stitch because it will end up looking like hand-appliqué. Here is a video to give you a better idea of fussy cutting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUF2UYOqHx0
So, I had this weird panel and I fussy cut around the figures I wanted. Then I bordered each block.
I had some material left over to make a pillow. I used a 12" pillow form and made an envelope pillow case so if it gets dirty, the pillow form can be taken out before laundering. Here is a link to making an envelope pillow case. http://sewing.about.com/od/freeprojects/ss/envelopepillow.htm I had to adjust the back pieces and cut them larger because the top was larger. But the directions give you a general idea of how easy it is.
As you may know, I never throw away scraps of fabric! I still have some fabric left over. Any suggestions as to what I can do with this wild fabric? Let me know.
Always label your quilts. Give the quilt a title. I titled the quilt "Crazy for Pink" because there is so much pink in the fabric and the little Princess receiving this is Crazy for Pink!
Quilt labels should have:
I hope you all had a very enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday. Now to lose those extra pounds! Oh no...
I finished a quilt! It is amazing what one can do with fabric! I had this really shocking pink fabric panel. I wasn't really sure what to do with it. It is a little crazy as you will see. You may be familiar with the saying, "You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear." That is sort of how I felt about this panel. Things changed after I took a T-Shirt class from Brenda Goggins at Oak Leaf Quilts. http://www.oakleafquilts.com/ I learned how to make T-shirt quilts but I also learned how to border fussy cut blocks. What is fussy cutting you ask? http://quilting.about.com/od/quiltingglossaryf/g/fussy_cut.htm You cut around the specific picture or figure you want on your quilt, towel, handbag, pillowcase, or whatever, and use that in your project. Sometimes you need a border around it. If you are using the figure for appliqué, you do not need a border. You simply stitch around the piece with a decorative stitch or a blind stitch. Some quilters like to use invisible thread to stitch because it will end up looking like hand-appliqué. Here is a video to give you a better idea of fussy cutting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUF2UYOqHx0
So, I had this weird panel and I fussy cut around the figures I wanted. Then I bordered each block.
I had some material left over to make a pillow. I used a 12" pillow form and made an envelope pillow case so if it gets dirty, the pillow form can be taken out before laundering. Here is a link to making an envelope pillow case. http://sewing.about.com/od/freeprojects/ss/envelopepillow.htm I had to adjust the back pieces and cut them larger because the top was larger. But the directions give you a general idea of how easy it is.
I had enough fabric left over from the border fabric to piece the back of the quilt. Piecing the back makes a quilt very interesting and sometimes hides irregular quilting. Since this is made for a little girl and may be washed frequently, I had the quilt professionally quilted by a long-arm quilter. The quilting design is of hearts and loops. Sometimes, paying the extra money for professional long-arm quilting is preferable to quilting on a home machine. Long-arm quilting has consistant stitches and the overall construction is stronger.
Always label your quilts. Give the quilt a title. I titled the quilt "Crazy for Pink" because there is so much pink in the fabric and the little Princess receiving this is Crazy for Pink!
Quilt labels should have:
- Title of quilt
- Recipient's full name, city and state
- Quilter's full name, city and state
- Date
I also label washing instructions such as: "Machine wash on gentle cycle. No dryer." Most quilts never need washing, just airing out on a yearly basis. Most stains can be spot cleaned. Detergent fades fabric and a dryer will shrink the quilt. It is best to air dry a quilt.
So, try making a quilt with an ordinary panel. Panels are cheap and usually cost about $6. You can just border the panel if you prefer or you can fussy cut the panel and make the quilt a little more interesting.
Enjoy! And, quilt something!
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