Well, today I got to give little Isaac his first bath. It all came back to me as if it were yesterday. I couldn't give my own daughter her very first bath because I was scared. So, her daddy got the honor. It was great. Roberto was all of 29 year's old and he had no fear. I was the back-up support documenting this historic event. (Actually, I really was scared of dropping her!)
Today, I was not scared. Little Isaac cried at first but when that warm water took effect, he settled down and had a good time. The look of trust in his eyes really humbled me. This little guy knows I love him and he is safe with me. So, after the bath with all new clothes and being warm and snuggy, Isaac got to sleep. He is sleeping under Shannon's baby blanket which was made by Julie Goncho in San Diego, CA.
With babe asleep and Shannon taking a nap, I had a chance to work on a Block of the Month (BOM) call Le Jardin by Moda. http://fatquartershop.blogspot.com/2009/10/le-jardin-block-of-month-by-anne-sutton.html It is the most fabulous fabric! The fabric is called French General. I will machine applique each block but the pattern is designed for hand applique. With machine applique, you cut out your pieces without an extra 1/4" seam. The piece is fused on the backing and then machine applique with matching thread or invisible thread. I am using invisible thread for this particular BOM. Isn't it gorgeous?
Before coming to Lexington, I was working on a quilt for the baby. I wanted something special but a quilt that would be used. I decided on a blue and white motif of angels. This was not overly fussy and yet it was sweet. The front panel is 1 1/2 yards or cut so as not to lose the major designs. The borders are made by rouching, or gathering. The backing and binding was the same print as the rouching.
I really like how it turned out.

This little girl's quilt below was commissioned. I borrowed a friend's Bernina gathering foot #57. You may not see the difference but the rouching goes much quicker with a foot. It is consistently rouched at every 6 stitches.
So good luck on your next project. Try something new. Let me know what project you are working on.
Until next time, give something away you love. Share your love with others. But most important...
sleep when the baby sleeps or believe me, you will be tired!